
About Saxmundham

Saxmundham (known locally as ‘Sax’) is an historic market town in east Suffolk. With a population today of nearly 5,000, Sax offers an attractive range of local shops (including longstanding independents) and services, as well as two major supermarkets in the centre. The town has a primary school, library, and doctor’s and dentist’s surgeries. 

Saxmundham has both weekly and monthly markets in the town centre and is well-served by community amenities and groups.  The town is well connected by road (A12) and rail (with frequent services to Ipswich/London and Lowestoft). It also offers easy access for visits to nearby seaside towns (the Suffolk ‘Heritage Coast’, Snape Maltings, Minsmere Nature Reserve, and many other great attractions. Visitors and residents can make use of the town’s many pleasant public spaces including the parks and community orchard, or can engage with many local community groups offering activities or support.

Our past..

Saxmundham itself has a stimulating and diverse range of buildings and sites from different eras of its past, many of which can be enjoyed if you walk the ‘town trail’. 

The Market Hall on the High Street, which dates to 1846, is not only a notable building, but a valued community asset (of which the Town Council is trustee) for leisure activities and entertainments (online booking from its website).  

Find out more here on the history of Saxmundham, or by visiting our fine town Museum.

Our present..

The town has doubled in size over the last 30 years; the oldest parts of town are mainly within a Conservation Area around the High Street. Newer housing estates have been built to the west (across to the A12 bypass) and east (up Church Hill). 

Our future…

A new 800 dwelling “Garden Neighbourhood” to the immediate south of town is proposed in the District Council’s 2020 Local Plan which – if it goes ahead – will add 40% to our population.   

At local level, a Steering Group of councillors and community volunteers created our first Neighbourhood Plan. This aims to strengthen the town centre, support our local economy, develop new community facilities, and improve our local environment.

Leisure & community services

For outside leisure activities, the Saxmundham Sports & Recreational Club charity provides sporting facilities such as a bowls green, cricket and football pitches, tennis courts, and the site also has an adventure playground for children.

Saxmundham Town Council looks after the Memorial Field on Rendham Road with its skatepark and play facilities, and there are several other children’s play areas across the town.

Other leisure and community services and facilities are provided by a range of active and committed voluntary associations, including IP17 Good Neighbour Scheme, the Fromus Centre.

You can also book the Market Hall on the High Street (held on trust by the Town Council for the community) for a wide range of leisure activities, from keep-fit to concerts, dances or quiz nights!