
Community Services

Youth Activities and Services
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Saxmundham Youth Booth

Address: Memorial Field, Saxmundham IP17 1EA

Opening Hours: Monday and Wednesday 1:30pm to 4pm support for young people not in education, employment or training.

Monday  and Wednesday 4pm to 9:30pm seniors club nights, for all High
School aged young people.

Friday 4pm to 8pm  Juniors club night  for Primary
School years 4, 5 and 6.  

tel: 01728 830 716


Saxmundham Youth Booth is a  safe place for all young people.  

What they do:

Free, confidential, open minded, non- judgmental support.

Aid young people to reach their full potential

Empower young people to take control of their daily lives and future independence.

Offer fun positive activities to encourage self esteem.

Support young people to become a positive part of the local community.

Provide information and advice on topics which may hinder young people reaching their goals.

Meet the needs of young people in the local community and surrounding area.

Offer a service which is user- friendly and flexible to the needs of the users, which offers the opportunity for early intervention together with crisis support.

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