Essential health services
SAX Community Fridge
Address: The Queens Head Carpark, Saxmundham, IP17 1DF
Opening Hours: Mondays and Fridays 10:30 – 11:30am
Email: saxcommunityfridge@skc.church
The SAXCF is a local Community Fridge project set up in response to the issue of food waste.
They have a team of volunteers who collect surplus good food from local supermarkets, bakeries, greengrocers and even a farm shop. These donations are items which are near or past their ‘best before date’ and which would otherwise have been thrown away.
There are regular distribution sessions held in the Queens Head car park, the available food at each session is unpredictable. In addition to these items we are also a space for all to SHARE surplus allotment produce and unopened food items. Free plants and seeds frequently also make an appearance.