

Seeking your views – local priorities for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy)

Saxmundham Town Council is seeking the views of residents and local businesses on its priorities for spending the parish’s share of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), currently totalling £78,000. Our consultation paper can be downloaded here.  It sets out the priority purposes proposed by the Town Council, which however wants to know your views.  Do you agree? Do you want to change or add to the list of ‘purposes’? Which (if any) of them are your highest priorities?

Views can be sent by email to or by post to Town Clerk, Town House, Station Approach, Saxmundham, IP17 1BW. By 13th December.

Or you can give us your ideas in person at our Town Council meeting on Monday 13th December at 7 p.m., Market Hall, High Street.

In short, the proposed priority purposes for CIL spending are:

Purpose 1: improving access from new housing areas to town centre for pedestrians and cyclists

To consider: improvements to paths from Hopkins Estate to centre; routes from other estates (e.g. to west of town) to town centre

Purpose 2: enhancing children & young people’s recreational facilities

To consider: improvements to Seaman Avenue and Memorial Field facilities

Purpose 3: a more attractive & successful town centre to meet needs of growing population

To consider: environmental improvements such as urban trees; improvements to Fromus Square; improvements to parking facilities/infrastructure

Purpose 4 – improving community, entertainment and cultural facilities in town

To consider:  capital contribution for improvements to Market Hall, Gannon Institute etc.

Purpose 5 – improving facilities for non-fossil fuel transport modes

To consider: create new bicycle storage facilities; electric charging points

Purpose 6 – developing new or improving existing open or green spaces for the community

To consider: environmental improvements to Memorial Field

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