

John Fisher

John Fisher

I’velived in Sax for just four years and I love it: the town, its friendly people, the shops and the wonderful local produce. I chair the Council’s Resources Committee and I’m particularly interested in developing the town centre, improving the station area and making the High Street better for pedestrians.

I spent my early years living above Fishers Ironmongers – my family’s business – and attended school locally and university in London before travelling and working abroad. I have lived in the High Street since I came back to Saxmundham in 1990 and I joined the Town Council in 1994. I have also been a District Councillor since 2015. I have been involved with the local library since it was threatened with closure and have always been concerned with environmental issues and support leaving the Layers alone and ensuring nothing is built on this special area. 

I am Chair of the Planning and Development Control Committee, and a member of the Resources Committee, the Market Hall Management Committee, the Gannon Institute Management Committee, and the Staffing Sub-Committee.

Register of Interests


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