What we do

The Saxmundham Green Team is a group of local volunteers, led by the Town Council’s Environment Coordinator.  Our aim is to improve areas of green space around the town for both people and wildlife.

As a group, we focus on Town Council land and hold work parties every other Tuesday.  In the last year we have logged over 226 volunteer-hours on projects to make Saxmundham a greener, more pleasant place to live. The projects include:

  • Planting bulbs all over town
  • Tree planting in the community orchard on Memorial Field
  • Adding more native species to hedging around town
  • Planting the Platinum Jubilee oak tree on Memorial Field
  • Managing meadow and wildflower meadow areas on Memorial Field
  • Regular litter picks all over town
  • Regular watering, planting and tidying of areas and planters
  • Holding market stalls, seed workshops and plant exchanges
  • Planting up the new Memorial Garden.

If you would like to know more about what we do, donate tools or resources, or get involved in any of our accessible work parties, please fill in the form below:

Saxmundham Community Orchard

The Community Orchard is located on the Memorial Field on Rendham Road.

It was originally a collaboration between Greener Sax and Saxmundham Town Council and in the last year the Green Team have added several trees and spent time maintaining the orchard and surrounding area. 

The orchard is a community asset which comprises a variety of fruit trees which people are welcome to pick from.  The orchard includes trees such as quince, apple, pear, plum and medlars.

To find out more about the Community Orchard, and which trees are there:

Up and Coming Projects

  • Continuing to maintain Saxmundham’s Green spaces
  • Thermal imaging camera hire to help residents improve their energy efficiency 

Join the allotment waiting list

Currently there are no allotment sites in Saxmundham.  We are working to change this, but first we need to demonstrate a demand.  Register your interest below to join our waiting list. It might take a while to be granted an allotment but the more names we can gather, the greater our influence.